Operating Model & Engagement

What is the Root Cause of Violence?

MJE believes that poverty is the root cause of violence. MJE’s “You Matter” personal leadership and workforce development training support each participant’s recovery from trauma and future career and academic achievements. We aim to engage our participants in civic action so that they can be the voice of change in our communities.

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MJE’s Operating Model Hinges on Two Key Mechanisms:
Education and Engagement


Education teaches the tools of civic action.


Engagement offers opportunities for involvement in civic action.


Combined, these programs create and nurture new leaders. We collaborate with other service organizations, academics, and governmental agencies to explore opportunities for creative and effective actions. We leverage the combined experience and expertise of various sectors and the resolve of a committed community against the intransigence of urban violence.

The Education Track Programs

Step 1

The “You Matter: Personal Leadership Training” supports mothers and youth recovering from trauma to set personal goals and understand their role in combating violence and associated issues in their community.

Step 2

Financial Literacy training provides mothers, youth, and incarcerated young adults with the tools to understand how their financial empowerment will help them achieve their personal goals.

Step 3

Workforce Readiness Training leads to sustainable employment in family services, human resources, administration, fundraising, community relations, and more. Graduates of this program are “Peer Advocates,” prepared to support their families, peers, and communities.

Engagement and Outreach Focus

At MJE, we believe the individual’s recovery is essential for the recovery of the family and the community.

MJE’s Community Engagement programs engage mothers and their families through outreach designed to provide targeted support, educational opportunities, and the chance for our community to come together to learn how to use their voices to advocate for peace.


National Conference

MJE convened the “Mothers Against Violence National Alliance” – a nationwide coalition of mothers against violence groups and individuals seeking to form groups in their communities.

As the convener of the Alliance, we host a National Conference each fall with more than 200 attendees from across the country. Mothers representing major U.S. cities – including San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, and Nashville – join the conference at Boston University. This annual event demonstrates that the City of Boston is becoming a model of collaboration among political leaders, clergy leaders, experts in industries from housing to trauma support, and, most importantly, community members in the fight against street violence.

Engagement Series

Leading up to the National Conference, MJE hosts a variety of annual engagement events, including:

  • Valentines Day Brunch
  • Empowerment Breakfast
  • Mother’s Day Luncheon

These inspiring and motivational events bring together mothers and their families, community leaders, guest speakers, and other stakeholders who are invested in the MJE mission. Together we are empowered to advocate for change in our homes and communities.

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Community Engagement Events Year Round

Throughout the year, MJE hosts special events to help celebrate holidays and other milestones. Volunteers ensure all of these events run smoothly:

  • Spring Youth Summit
  • Summer Youth Rally for Peace and Back to – School Backpack Drive
  • Thanksgiving Food Baskets
  • Winter Holiday Events for children and families

Mothers Corner Cafes

MJE Peer Leaders and volunteers will set up tables on high-traffic street corners throughout Roxbury, Mattapan, and Dorchester during the spring and summer. We use these corner cafes to outreach about MJE and our mission and provide support when responding to recent incidents of violence in our communities. Mothers bring coffee, donuts, and information about area resources to distribute to residents during the morning commute.

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Senior Cafes

MJE hosts education and outreach events for senior citizens at our Roxbury office regularly. We ensure a welcoming, comfortable environment for seniors (many parenting grandchildren) to gather and find support.

    Thank You to Our Donors & Supporters